notes to myself
will be updating this list over time, as i think of more things to add.
you can just do things.
winners never whine, whiners never win.
respect is about treating others as equals – it’s not about putting them above you on a pedestal. that will actually alienate them.
communicate well, communicate often. especially with the bad, uncomfortable stuff
when interacting with others, always assume the best case. and be totally okay with when you’re proven wrong.
always keep things at the lowest stake that you can keep them (relationships as friends -> significant others, working on a new fun project w/ zero expectations vs. immediately making it into a company, etc.).
- things worth exploring & doing tend to naturally increase their stake/importance over time
sometimes, pre-maturely extrapolating too far ahead is a guaranteed way of manifesting potential future issues today, when they may never even arise in the future anyways.
- aka don’t overthink lol, just do things & find out.
ego is a huge limiting factor to self-improvement, always have open ears to those closest around you.
people have given up on you when they stop telling you how you can improve — (@aadillpickle)
fight the routine of life by constantly doing new things every week
you can indeed just do things
if you’re not getting rejected every day/week, you’re not trying hard enough to explore new things
thoughts & beliefs -> actions -> experiences -> thoughts & beliefs
continuously seek discomfort (s/o yes theory lol)
do things that increase your surface area for luck.
whenever you find yourself in a phase of overthinking, watch “3 Idiots”, realize how trivial life can be, & get back to work.
focus on winning in all aspects of life: family, friends, work, love, etc.
optimize for not having regrets.
- it’s one of the few types of pain that time can’t heal.
health is a multiplicative factor on everything you do.
did i mention that you can just do things?